Dental implants are one of the most talked-about and celebrated methods of tooth replacement among both dentists and patients. If you’re missing a tooth, you’ve probably heard plenty about them. You may have even started to wonder whether dental implants are even better than natural teeth.
While you’d be hard-pressed to find a dentist who would recommend extracting a healthy tooth, it’s actually true that dental implants have some benefits over enamel. Tooth decay is an excellent example.
Is it Possible for Dental Implants to Get Cavities?
Tooth decay is a product of bacteria in the mouth that consume sugars and secrete acids. These acids can erode the enamel on the teeth, which may eventually engender cavities.
Dental implants, on the other hand, are made out of porcelain. Porcelain is considerably more resistant to acid erosions than your teeth are. As a consequence, you don’t have to worry about your dental implants getting cavities.
What are the Risks to Dental Implants?
However, you can’t ignore your dental hygiene just because they can’t get cavities. There are other threats to your teeth besides cavities, and dental implants are just as susceptible to many of these issues.
The biggest one is infection. If you develop serious gum disease, that could potentially start to attack the bone tissue holding the dental implant in place. This is a condition known as peri-implantitis, and if it’s allowed to progress you could put your oral health at serious risk.
How to Care for a Dental Implant
For this reason, it’s vitally important that you care for your dental implant just as well as the rest of your teeth. Thankfully, this isn’t all that difficult—you really just need to keep doing the things that you’re already doing. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, and use antiseptic mouthwash to keep gum disease at bay.
You should also be sure to visit your dentist at least twice a year for regular checkups. They’ll be able to ensure that your dental implant, and your oral health more generally, is in good condition.
About Our Practice
At Flenniken Family Dentistry, we are proud to offer our patients not only exceptional dental care, but also a comfortable dental practice that makes dealing with your oral health a breeze. Whether you want a simple checkup or have questions about the complexities of dental implant care, we have the tools and expertise necessary to help you. No matter who you are or the issue you have, we’d be happy to help you!
If you have any questions about dental implants, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (717) 249-7777.